Friday, February 25, 2011

Honoring Leaders Around the World Standing for Freedom

Today I am honoring the leaders around the world who are standing for freedom, and asking: What does freedom mean to you?

Is it living in America with all its privileges, inalienable rights and opportunities? Is it inner liberation- from fear, doubt, anger, guilt, resentment, pride, image, prejudice, apathy and self-focus? Is freedom the sum of a thousand daily liberties we take for granted? Clean water & nourishing food? Voting?

Having a driver’s license or a passport and traveling freely? Enrolling in a personal development course, or college? Wearing a miniskirt or a yarmulke? Shifting religious beliefs, occupations or hair color? Saying No, or YES, and…Falling in love with WHO we choose, as often as we desire?

Half of the world has no idea what it means to live in choice.

How fortunate we are, I am.

Post a comment and share what freedoms you're grateful for today.
